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Bedroom Rugs

Our handpicked selection of rugs to transform your bedroom. Create a tranquil retreat with a sumptuous high-pile rug or choose a bold statement bordered rug for a sophisticated space.
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Showing 31-35/35

  1. Hedgehog Sea
    Neisha Crosland
    From €6,251
    €2,800 per m²
    €260 per SQ FT
  2. Farrah Grey
    Nicole Fuller
    From €14,140
    €1,900 per m²
    €177 per SQ FT
    Fast Shipping
  3. Cityscape 60 Knot
    Sam Turner
    From €1,674
    €750 per m²
    €70 per SQ FT
    Fast Shipping
  4. Capitone
    Jaime Hayon
    From €4,242
    €1,900 per m²
    €177 per SQ FT
  5. Aarambha
    The Rug Company
    From €2,009
    €900 per m²
    €84 per SQ FT
    Fast Shipping

Choosing a Bedroom Rug

When choosing a rug for a bedroom, there are a few key factors to consider. First, think about the size of your room and the furniture layout. You'll want to select a rug that fits the space well and complements the overall aesthetic of the room. Next, consider the texture and pile of the rug. A soft and plush rug can create a cosy vibe, while a rug with a subtle sheen can add a touch of sophistication. Finally, think about the colour and pattern of the rug. You may want to choose a rug that complements the existing colour scheme of the room or select a statement piece that adds visual interest. Ultimately, the right rug for your bedroom is one that brings you joy and helps create a space you love.

Our Rugs

All The Rug Company’s designs are handmade using natural materials such as wool and silk. We work with expert artisans using a wide range of techniques, from traditional hand knotting to innovative methods such as hand tufting. The Rug Company's vast library of modern & contemporary rugs consists of styles from both its in-house studio and designer collaborations. All in-stock rugs are available for fast shipping or rugs can be made to order in any size, shape and colour.

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