Spotlight on Nicole Fuller

Published: 10 Aug 2023

Spotlight on Nicole Fuller

Distinguished by her luxurious designs and faultless style, Nicole Fuller is revered in the design world for her vast portfolio of international residential and commercial projects. As our latest collaborator, Fuller took inspiration from the Island of Lamu for her new designs. We sat down (virtually) to discuss her creative process, what drew her to the island and her new collection.
  • Lamu Sand by Nicole Fuller

You named the collection Wanderlust, can you explain this to us?

I have always been inspired by my deep passion for travel. When I travel to a new place, the connection with the people and their environment is what inspires me the most. Above all, I love to submerge myself in different cultures and discover new food, colours and rich local landscapes.
  • A personal photograph of Lamu captured by Fuller on her trip which inspired the collection.

The island is clearly special to you, but what is it that makes you want to return so often?

I’ve been visiting the island for years and every time I go back, I discover something new. I’m always struck by the way the locals respect and value their land, embracing it with a sense of harmony. In honour of this, I named a design a Harmony – it features triangles to represent the perfect structure of peace and oneness in Lamu.
  • Lamu Sand by Nicole Fuller

  • Lamu Sun by Nicole Fuller

Tell us about your designs; Lamu Sand and Lamu Sun.

Lamu Sand and Lamu Sun evolved from my observations of the meandering sea that surrounds the island, while the pattern itself reflects the dancing waves which encircle Lamu. Both colourways stand out in their own way and offer a different aesthetic.

“While on Lamu, you’re constantly in awe with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude to be able to see such a captivating place. Its natural beauty mirrors its stunning architecture, plasterwork, colours and pigments which capture the light and shadows. It really is quite magical and evokes love and romance.” Nicole Fuller

Other than the island of Lamu, where do you find tranquility and harmony?

I feel a great sense of peace and happiness when I am working. I truly love and enjoy what I do! When I work, I’m constantly creating and finding serenity and harmony. Otherwise, being at home with my husband and two Maine Coon cats brings me pure joy.
  • Jungle By Nicole Fuller

How can one incorporate a statement rug such as Jungle with its rich emerald jewel tones into their interior?

I am very confident with colour and love introducing my clients to it. Jungle is a great way to infuse colour into a space and will stand as a feature of its own. I would tie this rug in with a piece of art in a complementary colour to bring the outside in and transport you to wanderlust.
  • Harmony by Nicole Fuller

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